Mar 17, 2013

Children's Immunity Deficiency

At first you should know that the immune system is composed of cells and antibodies and its basic  job is protect the body from harmful microbes when entering these microbes to the body so the natural immune system must differentiate between what is the enemy and what is a friend. The case of the children's immunity Deficiency is one of the situations which make their immune imbalanced.

The child, who suffers from a lack of functional immune system is more exposed to microbial infection and hard to control the normal remedies. For example, as the infection bacterial blood poisoning or inflammation of the bone twice more. As well as microbial infections at unusual places such as abscesses in the liver or brain or recurrent abscesses of the skin or infection unusual microbes such as some fungi.

If inflammation occurred  by ordinary microbes which infecting all children, but are highly serious unusual, rather than lead to a sore the children's throat or furuncle at the skin, they could caused chronic diarrhea or serious pneumonia which may require hospital treatment.

It is essential to keep in mind that not all children suffer from frequent infections, will be infected with dysfunction in the immune system, but there are natural causes for repeated infections and are the most pervasive from immune lack diseases.

For example, the early going to the kindergartens before maturation of the children's immunity system before the age of 4 years, that will lead to the spread of viruses and microbes among infants and children, especially if the mother is working and she have to send her children to nursery, and he was  patient, he will spread the infection to his peers, and then they transferred it to him after curing again. 

Also the infection spreads because of poor ventilation in homes, classrooms and school buses usually due to unhealthy, with some people closes the bus windows for fear of the cold and but as children gather inside the bus moves  the bad ventilation microbes among them.

Mar 14, 2013

Wrong habits damage Children's "immune system"

The behavior of our children in the daily life plays an important role in  influencing  on the efficiency of the immune system for their bodies. Here you will know some wrong habits that harm your children's immunity and which caused the  weakened immunity and that to try to make your  child away from these false behaviors to preserve his resistance to diseases and make the immune system more stronger in your child's body.

These are some of these wrong habits to try avoiding it:

1. Sugar:
The white sugar (refined) used in food, has a negative impact on children's immunity where it causes a drop at the activity of white blood cells, which expose the children to weakened immunity and viruses and infections facing. The white sugar could found in hot drinks or sweetened juices or used in the preparation of sweets and chocolates.

2. Smoking:
Smoking is among the sources of dangerous toxins in the body. The one cigarette contain a substantial amount of harmful substances that cause oxidation in the body, and called the "stray ions".

3. Salt Javanese:
It is warned the health risks from the  use of  a "mono sodium glutamate" Mono Sodium Glutamate (MSG), known as the "salt Javanese" and which used in Chinese dishes because of its involvement in the damage to the central nervous system and endocrine disrupters and cleared stress in the heart.

It is also used in some kinds of soup, sauces and a large number of canned and frozen foods. From this perspective, nutrition experts warning from the use of foods containing "Javanese salt" under other names, as "protein vegetarian" or "natural flavor".

Eating too much of these foods make children infected with recurrent headaches, nausea, diarrhea and sleep disorders and up to cramps in the body which affects the children's immunity.

4. Antibiotics:
the studies mentioned that the excessive use of antibiotics or used incorrectly,  could lead over time to the emergence of strains of bacteria which are not affected by their use, as these antibiotics affect negatively on the internal environment of the children body (especially intestine) and destroy beneficial intestinal bacteria.

Mar 10, 2013

Natural Immunity

Natural Immunity
The immune system works to protect the children's bodies from  microbes and harmful objects, through a first line of defense is called "natural immunity", a second line of defense, so-called "AIDS".

Natural immunity is generated in the body of an organism without exposure to external influences or microbes. Where that natural immunity does not distinguish between live components (viruses - bacteria - fungi) and between the others components (chemical compounds).

A. Skin:
Skin contains many glands, fatty and ethnic, secrete special chemicals, to protect the body from certain objects, or their toxins.  And the presence of the skin, and its safety, prevent  these objects from accessing into the blood, so at a scratched or injured skin, microbes  can access directly into the blood through the skin and injury the body by diseases. Based on this, the disinfecting wounds and scratches, is essential in protecting the body from diseases.

B. Cilia and the mucous membrane lining for the nose and respiratory tract:
These mucous membranes warms the air  before entering the respiratory tract, and prevent the foreign substances which found in the air, by sticking with mucus. As it expels cilia continuous movement in the direction of the outside, dust grains, and foreign substances outside the respiratory tract.

C. Tears:
Tears contain protein enzymes which analyze microbes, and kill them, and wash the eye from dust particles, or foreign objects. And that noted in the case of a foreign body entered to the eye, such as hair or otherwise, and the heavy tears, which follow that.

D. Degree of Acidity:
the relative increase of the acidity in some body secretions, leads to eliminate bacteria. And that such acidity of the digestive system, which destroys the bacteria in polluted foods and drinks. As well as it leads to the elimination of microbes, which may exist in the urethra, as well as Urine acidity, the acidity of urine if acidic vaginal secretions in women.

E. Blood cells:
The blood cells protect the human body internally, like phagocyte cells that attack the microbe,  and forwarded it to other specialized cells, such as T and B cells and others.

Mar 7, 2013

Exercises Increase the Children Body's Immune

The children body's immune is the first line of defense against diseases. As long as a child has a strong immune, he will be less susceptible to diseases. The exercises for three times a week are great benefit to the children healthy and contribute to strengthen the immune system compared with the  exercise about five times a week or more.

Exercise increases the human body's immunity, as it works to increase the number of white blood cells, red and natural antibodies as well as the increased number of cells that fight infection and Phagocyte cells which eat diseased cells and cancer cells and older cells and the remnants of inflammation. Using the exercise for improving the immune system isn't new at our world. In China, for example, they used to exercise with Yoga as a method to decrease their susceptibility to infections and diseases.

On the other hand, sports activities increasing can actually weaken the immune function which performed by the immune system. Regular moderate exercise support the role of the immune system, while the largest rates of exercise impact on the effective functioning of the immune system, which makes a the children temporarily in the case are more susceptible to viral infection.

With children exercising , the Levels of all groups of white blood cells, particularly "natural killer cells" have risen markedly. This type of white blood cells are attacking cancer cells and viruses. Becoming a gym rat will not essentially lead to a healthy immune system. Regular moderate exercise for no more than two hours a day, may be a slight valuable effect on the children's immune system.
Also the laugh work to strength the immune system in the body and show its impact on the immune system such as the exercise and that because the laugh raises the level of antibodies clearly. So you can also raise the children's bodies immunity by watching tapes of films and theater comedy which they love.

Mar 3, 2013

Children's Immune System

The immune system in your children's bodies as like as in your body, but  with some differences. The difference lies in that the children's immune system is still acquiring the resistance required to repel infections and illnesses which attack your children. Whenever parents could learn how their children's immune system work, they of course will know how to protect the health of their children by know how they can strengthen the immune system in children.
In the immune system, white blood cells are considered as an important part. This because they work to find the exotic materials and objects that enter your child's body and caused diseases for him, then begin to destroy it. These white cells spread through the body of children and the nodes through the lymph vessels. These organisms are called antigens which caused diseases in the child body. And whenever children are exposed to new antigens, their bodies begin building immunities to them. And so that, at the beginning of entering the pre-school, the children are more prone to frequent colds and infections. But this is a normal part in building their immune system.

The immune system is responsible for knowing the difference between natural materials and the other foreign in the body, as well as protect the body from infections and foreign substances. The growth of the immune system to the child begins at birth, when the child receives initial immunities of the placenta. Every time your child is exposed to the disease, the body works on the growth of antibodies to fight it. Breastfeeding provides additional antibodies and protection from disease.

Parents can also help to strengthen their children's immune system through several ways. The first of these that they provide to their children every day fresh fruits and vegetables such as oranges, for example,  because they contain vitamin C, which helps to boost the children's immunity. And also adequate sleep for your child helps him to strengthen his immunity. A Newborns needs almost 18 hours sleep while the child in pre-schools needs only 10 hours.
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